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Useful herbs

Abies alba

Used as an inhalant, to treat bronchitis, cystitis, leucorrhoea, ulcers and flatulent colic (leaves and resin); in bath extracts, rubbing oils etc for treating rheumatic pains and neuralgia (resin)

Abies canadensis

In leucorrhoea, prolapsus uteri, prolapsus ani, diarrhoea, gangrene, and in aphthous and other oral ulcerations (bark); pleurisy orchitis from mumps, peritonitis, and all inflammations caused by cold, to all sprains and bruises and to lumbago, rheumatism and sciatica, in herpes, moist eczema, fevers and psoriasis (oil)

Acacia catechu

Leprosy (root decoction. leaf. bark and fruit); in skin diseases and ulcers, chronic diarrhea, bleeding of the uterus and nose, mucosal discharges (such as leucorrhea) and hoarseness, gonorrhea (flowers), rheumatism and tooth ache (root), asthma, bronchitis, chest pain, sore in mouth (plant).

Achillea millefolium

For various maladies of the major organs and systems throughout the body, abscesses, atony, backache, hemorrhages (including those of the lungs), bruises, burns, cancer, colic, common cold, condyloma, cough, as a depurative agent, in fever,hypertension, menorrhagia, amenorrhoea, haemorrhoids with bloody discharge, atonic gastric and intestinal dyspepsia and leucorrhoea.

Aesculus indica

In edema (plant extract); leucorrhea (root); whooping cough (leaf) and vascular disorders (such as hemorrhoids , varicose veins and phlebitis); astringent, acrid and narcotic (seeds); for skin disease and rheumatism (oil from seed); the seed is given to horses suffering from colic; an anthelmintic on horses.

Alchemilla alpina

For cuts and wounds, and internally in the treatment of diarrhoea and a number of women's ailments, especially menstrual problems, helps stop vaginal discharge and is also used as a treatment for excessive menstruation and to heal lesions after pregnancy

Alchemilla xanthochlora

For menstrual problems (such as dysmennorhea), vaginal discharges, gastrointestinal problems (where diarrhea and spasms are involved), inflammations within the urinary tract, mouth and throat, boils and phlebitis, in conjunctivitis, cuts and wounds.

Amaranthus spinosus

Menorrhagia and gonorrhea (root decoction); colic (root); laxative (leaf and root); leucorrhea.

Ambrosia trifida

To insect bites and various skin complaints, internally they are used as a tea in the treatment of pneumonia, fevers, nausea, intestinal cramps, diarrhoea and mucous discharges (leaf); in the treatment of menstrual disorders and stroke (roots); excellent application to mercurial and all other ulcers of a fetid or gangrenous character (plant)

Anemone acutiloba

In the treatment of fevers, liver ailments and poor digestion (leaves); bleeding from the lungs, coughs, cancer, childbirth, diphtheria, enterosis, enuresis, fracture, hernia, incontinence, leukorrhea, ophthalmia.

Angelica anomala

To regulate menstrual cycle and decreases menstrual pain (root); in the treatment of colds and headaches, coryza, leucorrhoea, boils and abscesses (plant).

Bauhinia purpurea

Used to treat gastric ulcer, swellings, leprosy, cough, menstrual disorders, glandular diseases and prolapse of the rectum, haemorrhagic diseases, leucorrhoea and coughs.

Berberis aristata

Jaundice, diarrhea and skin diseases (root bark juice); sporadic fever and malaria (root bark decoction); in amenorrhea, menorrhagia and leucorrhea (root bark); hemorrhoids, eye and stomach maladies, cholera, stimulating the secretion of gastric juices.

Boehmeria nivea

Used to prevent miscarriages and promote the drainage of pus (plant); in the treatment of fluxes and wounds (leaves); in the treatment of threatened abortions, colic of pregnancy, haemorrhoids, leukorrhoea, impetigo etc (root)

Butea monosperma

For dysentery, diarrhea, phthisis and bleeding within the bladder and stomach (gum); as a laxative (seed); in hemorrhoids and boils (leaf); as an anthelmintic, specially useful in the treatment of roundworms and tapeworms (seed oil); diabetes, gallbladder stone, sore throat and leucorrhea.

Caesalpinia bonduc

As a blood purifier and in asthma (seed); in leucorrhea, as a local application for sores (bark); intermittent fever and for diabetes (roots); in menstrual disorders in tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh, India (seed powder).

Celastrus scandens

For chronic liver and skin ailments (including skin cancer), rheumatism, leucorrhoea, dysentery and suppressed menses; to treat obstinate sores, skin eruptions etc (root); as an ointment on burns, scrapes and skin eruptions (bark)

Celosia argentea

In blood diseases, mouth sores, diarrhea, cataracts and hypertension (seed); on scorpion sting (leaf paste); in blood- dysentery, spitting of blood, menorrhagia and as a parasiticide in trichomonas infection (flowers); in bloody stool, haemorrhoid bleeding, uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea (flower & seed)

Centella asiatica

For healing wounds (plant extract); in tuberculosis and leprosy (plant decoction); improves intellectual capacity, concentration and memory of children, in skin diseases, asthma, bronchitis, gastric problems, leucorrhea, catarrh, as an antidote in cholera; on boils and tumours (plant paste); to cure severe headache, to prevent and cure urinary tract infections and the growth of kidney stones (leaf juice).

Cetraria islandica

Digestive disorders and in inflammations of the upper respiratory system, bronchitis and coughs. Externally, it is used in the treatment of boils, vaginal discharges and impetigo.

Chamaelirium luteum

For the female reproductive system and has proved to be a beneficial remedy for menstrual problems, ovarian cysts and also help in the menopause (herb); amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and leucorrhoea and also for a variety of ailments associated with the male and female reproductive organs (root)

Chondrodendron tomentosum

For prostatitis, urinary tract infections, to tone, balance, and strengthen the kidneys, vaginal discharge and venereal diseases, testicular inflammation.

Cibotium barometz

In the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, leucorrhoea, dysuria, polyuria in the aged, on wounds to stop bleeding etc (rhizome)

Cinchona officinalis

As a tonic in intermittent fevers, debility, leucorrhea, smallpox, rheumatism, etc.. in skin ulcers and gum problems (bark); sore throat (bark decoction or infusion)

Cissus quadrangularis

Bone healing (plant and stem); asthma (stem); stimulating gastric acid secretion (young shoots and leaf); irregular menstruation, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, worms, gout, syphilis, venereal diseases, leucorrhoea and anorexia.

Commiphora mukul

Arthritis, bronchitis, enlarged cervical glands, high cholesterol, cystitis, diabetes, endometriosis, gout, hemorrhoids, indigestion, leukorrhea, lumbago, nervous disorders, neurosis, rheumatic disorders, skin diseases, tumors, ulcers.

Crotalaria juncea

As a laxative, abortifacient and for inducing vomitting (leaf); and the seeds in impetigo, psoriasis and as emmenagogue. Besides, a paste of the leaves is applied in skin diseases. Seeds are used to purify blood, in treatment of impetigo, psoriasis and skin diseases. It is used as an emmenagogue. Flowers are used to treat leucorrhoea and blood diseases.

Diospyros peregrina

For wounds and ulcers;in vitiated conditions of pitta, burning sensation, inflammations, diarrhea, dysentery, leprosy, skin diseases, pruritus, dyspepsia, haemorrhages, burns, diabetes, fever, spermatorrhea and vaginal disorders (bark); in strangury, dyspepsia, flatulence, scotoma, nyctalopia, opthalamia, epistaxis, haemoptysis, burns, tubercular glands, scabies and wounds (leaves); in leucorrhoea, urethrorrhea, splenomegaly, nyctalopia, anaemia and scabies (flowers).

Dolichos uniflorus

Measles, smallpox, burns, sores and tumors (plant); menstrual problems (plant decoction); kidney stones (seed). Ayurveda uses decoction of seed in leucorrhoea, menstrual troubles, bleeding during pregnancy, colic caused by wind, piles, rheumatism, heamorrhagic disease and for intestinal worms. Soup prepared from seeds is beneficial in enlarged liver and spleen. Tribal practices use the parts of the plant for dysuria, sores, tumours, burns, adenitis, fistula ani, intercostal neuralgia, pleurisy, piles, hiccups, abdominal lump, bronchial asthma,pneumonia, prolapsus ani, menstrual complaints, piles, colic, epistaxis, flatulence, ophthalmia, ulcers,urinary troubles and kidney stone.

Dorema ammoniacum

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis, asthma and catarrh, for swellings of the joints and indolent tumours, catarrh, leucorrhoea, in the headache resulting from disease of the frontal sinuses, in affections of the optic nerve, in catarrhal affections of the throat, nasal passages, eyes, ears and stomach, mucous diarrhoea, to indolent buboes, white swelling, tumor of the joints, chronic glandular enlargement, and other indolent swellings.

Emblica officinalis

To treat fever, lack of appetite, piles, worms, anaemia, jaundice, intrinsic haemorrhage, hoarseness of voice, hiccough, cough, fainting, heart diseases, vomiting, burning sensation, abdominal pain, gastritis, dyspepsia, obesity, leprosy, rheumatism, erysipelas, chicken-pox, greying of hair, hair loss, diabetes, suppression of urine, leucorrhoea, burning sensation in female genitals, amenorrhea, eye diseases, for promoting intellect and to improve memory, as rejuvenative, and aphrodisiac (promotes spermatogenesis and in premature ejaculation) (fruit and seed). Local systems of medicine employ it for fever, indigestion, bronchitis, asthma, constipation, headache, liver complaint, diabetes, dysentery, ophthalmic disorders, nerve tonic, cholera, diarrhoea, nasal haemorrhage, cystitis, oedema and leucorrhoea.It has expectorant, antioxidant, anticancerous properties.

Geum urbanum

For ulcerative colitis, mucous colitis, duodenal and peptic ulcers, diarrhoea and dysentery, liver disease, catarrh, tightens up soft gums, heals mouth ulcers, makes a good gargle for infections of the pharynx and larynx, reduces irritation of the stomach and gut, to remove spots, freckles and eruptions from the face, as a wash to haemorrhoids, vaginal discharges etc

Gmelina arborea

In rheumatism and stomach problems (root decoction); gonorrhea and as an anthelmintic (leaf juice); for cough (root decoction and leaf juice); making prosthetics (wood); increasing the secretion of gastric juices and as a tonic (bark); in fever (root decoction); for headache, anasarca, asthma, bronchitis, cholera, colic pain, diarrhoea, dropsy, dyspepsia, epilepsy, fever, phthisis, rheumatism, small pox, sore, spleen complaints, syphilis, throat swelling, urticaria, fever, urinary complaints, urticaria, consumption, wounds and leucorrhoea (herb).

Hedeoma pulegioides

In the treatment of digestive disorders, colds, whooping cough, painful menstruation and as an aid in childbirth, for sprains, rheumatism, allergy, burn, conjunctivosis, cramps, dysentery, fever, gout, headache, hepatosis, leukorrhea, pertussis, pharyngosis, pneumonia.

Hemidesmus indicus

Syphilis, leucorrhea and as a snakebite antidote (root); as a tonic, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, in purifying blood, stomach disorders, fever, gonorrhea, nutritional maladies, kidney stones, gravel and other urinary problems, chronic rheumatism and skin diseases, for relieving inflammation in the eye (milky latex); in asthma, bronchitis, gonorrhea and for sore mouths of children (plant).

Ixora coccinea

In dysentery, diarrhea and leucorrhea (flower); scabies (aerial part); for sores and ulcers (decoction of flower and bark); used in hiccup, fever, gonorrhoea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain(roots).

Lamium album

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, depression, digestive disorders, inflammations of the prostate, for abnormal vaginal discharge and is sometimes taken to relieve painful periods, kidney and urinary tract and in skin maladies (such as wounds and rashes).In haemorrhages of the uterus, nose etc (decoction); in bleeding piles, against fluor albus, chlorosis and debilities (flowers)

Lawsonia inermis

As an emmenagogue, in aching joints, bee stings, boils, burns, candida, condyloma, dermatosis, fever, headache, herpes, hoarseness, hysteria, jaundice, leucorrhea, myalgia, ophthalmia, parturition, spermatorrhea rheumatism, skin irritation, sores, stomach. The leaves and seeds are used in the form of juice, decoction and powder to treat consumption, diabetes and intrinsic haemorrhage. Paste of the leaves are applied externally in case of skin diseases, fungal infections, cracks on feet. It is employed both internally and locally in jaundice, leprosy, smallpox, and affections of the skin. The fruit has emmenagogue properties. The bark is useful in treating jaundice and enlargement of spleen, calculous affection, as alterative and in skin diseases and leprosy. The leaves are useful in menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and are also applied externally in headache. A decoction of leaves are used as an astringent. The leaf juice mixed with water and sugar is given in spermatorrhoea. The leaves are prophylactic against skin diseases. It is also used for typhoid and haemorrhagic conditions.

Melastoma malabathricum

For smallpox (leaf paste), diarrhea (leaf powder) and wounds (bark paste); in diarrhoea, dysentery, cancer and leucorrhoea (plant); for healing wounds and other skin diseases (bark and roots)

Melastoma sanguineum

Used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and genital infections (decoction of the aerial parts); to invigorate (roots); used for vertigo and weakness (juice of roots); leucorrhoea (roots and fruits).

Mesua ferrea

To treat diarrhoea with blood, hiccough, leucorrhoea for conception and bleeding piles (stamens and flowers), the leaves are applied to the head in the form of a poultice for severe colds, for sores, scabies, wounds, and rheumatism (seed oil), antidote for snake poison (roots), for bleeding hemorrhoids and dysentery with mucus (dried flowers), are also prescribed for excessive thirst, excessive perspiration, cough, and for indigestion (fresh flowers).

Momordica charantia

In jaundice and as a laxative (leaf); diabetes. rheumatism and snakebite (fruit), diabetes mellitus, eczema, fat loss, fever (malarial), gout, hydrophobia, hyperglycemia, kidney (stone), leprosy, leucorrhea, liver, piles, pneumonia, psoriasis, rheumatism, scabies and skin diseases. Hot water extract of dried root is taken orally to induce abortion.

Mucuna pruriens

To treat roundworm, sterility, difficult urination and emaciation (seed and root);useful in increasing sperm count, ovulation in women, etc.; in leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, spermatorrhoea, Parkinson's (seed); in facial paralysis and nervous disorders (root); purifies the blood, cures rheumatism, asthma, cough, stone in the bladder and improves vitality (root decoction). Leaf paste is applied to ulcers. This herb is being investigated as a possible remedy for AIDS.

Myrtus communis

In the treatment of urinary infections, digestive problems, vaginal discharge, bronchial congestion, sinusitis, dry coughs, cerebral affections, especially epilepsy (plant); for rheumatism (oil); dysentery, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, internal ulceration and rheumatism (fruit)

Pinellia ternata

Strengthens the spleen, very effective in controlling nausea and vomiting, for coughs with thin watery phlegm and gastritis (root); To treat cancer, depression, dermatosis, diarrhea, dyspepsia, gonorrhea, headache, hiccup, insomnia, jaundice , leukemia, leukorrhea, nausea, nephrosis, pharyngosis, psoriasis, rheumatism, snakebite.

Polygonum bistorta

In the treatment of internal and external bleeding, diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, catarrh, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, excessive menstruation, pharyngitis, snake bite, stomatitis, vaginal discharge, anal fissure, spongy gums, mouth ulcers and sore throats.

Potentilla anserina

In chronic diarrhea, alleviating spasms, to stop excessive and painful flow of menses, for intestinal troubles, leucorrhoea, kidney stones, arthritis and cramps(plant); for inflamed gums.

Pterocarpus marsupium

In diabetes (wood infusion); diarrhea, leucorrhea, heartburn and indolent ulcers (plant juice). The heartwood is useful in skin diseases, diabetes, anaemia, and obesity. It is an astringent. It is administered for diarrhoea, dysentery, pyrosis and as an injection for leucorrhoea. An aqueous infusion of the wood is used in diabetes.

Punica granatum

In dysentery and diarrhea (fruit rind and bark); as a vermifuge (root bark), as an injection in leucorrhoea, as a gargle in sore throat and in powder for intermittent fevers. It is used externally in the treatment of vaginal discharges, mouth sores and throat infections.

Sandoricum koetjape

Used to treat intestinal disorders, colic, dysentery and leukorrhea and to promote digestion (roots); used externally to promote sweating and as a bath to reduce fever(leaves); applied externally to ringworms (paste of the bark); used as a drink to reduce fever and as a poultice to itching (leaves); to stop diarrhea (decoction of the leaves).

Sida cordifolia

Spermatorrhea, polyuria and leucorrhea (plant); aphrodisiac (seed); reducing fever (root); sciatica, in paralysis and other nervous disorders (root bark); used to detoxify the body (in fever and rheumatism), in asthma, bronchitis, obesity, aching joints and bones, edema, cough, cold and wheezing (plant extract).

Solanum dulcamara

In the treatment of skin diseases, warts, tumours, felons, arthritis, rheumatism, bronchial congestion, heart ailments, ulcerative colitis, jaundice, skin eruptions, ulcers and cellulite, syphilitic diseases, cachectic affections, scrofula, indurations from milk, leucorrhoea, jaundice, and obstructed menstruation (herb); to cancerous sores and other swellings (fruit); for cancer and swellings (root)

Solanum erianthum

Vertigo and urinary troubles (plant); to women suffering from vaginal discharge (leaf)

Symplocos crataegoides

In the treatment of menorrhagia, eye diseases, bowel complaints, dysentery, inflammations, vaginal discharges, leprosy and ulcers, as a gargle for giving firmness to spongy and bleeding gums; to sprains and muscular swellings (bark juice).

Toona sinensis

Used to treat red spots on skin and as a remedy for gynecological troubles, including irregular menses (bark); to treat diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, flatulence, bloody stools, seminal emissions, leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia and gonorrhoea (decoction of bark); used to cool and to promote urination (powdered roots); chewed to stimulate digestion (young leaves).

Trapa natan

Useful in diarrhoea and bilious affections with diarrhoea (fruits); with milk fruits are used in nervous and general debility; seminal weakness and leucorrhoea; used beneficially in eye diseases and as poultice it acts as an agent for resolution of tumors (stem juice).

Trifolium repens

In gout (flower); coughs, colds, fevers and leucorrhoea (infusion); in rheumatism and scrofula (plant).

Trillium erectum

To aid childbirth, as a treatment for irregular menstrual periods, period pains and excessive vaginal discharge, ulcers (especially varicose), skin complaints, gangrene, insect bites and stings, as a wash for sore nipples.

Vernonia cinerea

Useful for the purifying the blood, bile and semen, used as a specific for leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, and in the treatment of chronic skin diseases, dysuria, strangury, bladder stones, piles, worms and haematological disorders (plant); for the treatment of amoebiosis, humid herpes, eczema and ringworm and for the extraction of guinea worms, elephantiasis (leaf juice); to treat fevers, rheumatism and conjunctivitis (flowers); effective against roundworms and threadworms, leucoderma, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases (seeds).

Vinca major

For treating haemorrhages, excessive menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, in cases of nose bleed, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers or sore throats and hardening of the arteries (plant)

Vitis vinifera

Grapes are a nourishing and slightly laxative fruit that support the body through illness, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract and liver. Because the nutrient content of grapes is close to that of blood plasma, grape fasts are recommended for detoxification. A period of time on a diet based entirely on the fruit is especially recommended in the treatment of torpid liver or sluggish biliary function. The fruit is also helpful in the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. It has a slight effect in easing coughs.A decoction is used in the treatment of threatened abortion, internal and external bleeding, cholera, dropsy, diarrhoea and nausea. It is also used as a wash for mouth ulcers and as douche for treating vaginal discharge. Red grape leaves are also helpful in the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. It is used as a remedy for skin diseases and is also an excellent lotion for the eyes. The tendrils are astringent and a decoction is used in the treatment of diarrhoea. The seeds and leaves are astringent, the leaves being formerly used to stop haemorrhages and bleeding. It is used dried and powdered as a cure for dysentery in cattle. The sap, termed a tear or lachryma, forms an excellent lotion for weak eyes and specks on the cornea. Ripe grapes in quantity influence the kidneys producing a free flow of urine and are apt to cause palpitation in excitable and full-blooded people.

Woodfordia floribunda

For diarrhea, dysentery, fever, headache, hemorrhoids, herpes, internal hemorrhage, leukorrhea, liver disorders, menorrhagia, ulcers, wounds.

Woodfordia fruticosa

In sores, ulcers, problems with mucous membranes of the body, hemorrhages, seminal weakness, menorrhagia, as a tonic, stimulant (in pregnancy) and astringent (flower), bowel disorders (including dysentery) (plant and flower), to treat thirst, toothache, bleeding, anorexia, diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea and herpes.

Xanthium strumarium

In leucoderma, epilepsy, in chronic malaria, leucorrhoea and urinary diseases (plant); in smallpox, in cancer and scrofula (root); on ulcers, boils and abscesses (root extract); in the treatment of rheumatism, diseased kidneys and tuberculosis (plant infusion); allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, catarrh, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, lumbago, leprosy and pruritis (fruits)

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